
My First Trip to Mesa Falls and More!

Hey friends and family! 

First of all, the wedding is in ELEVEN days! Woohoo! I am so excited to be married for eternity to Steven. He's the best! 

We are both very excited!

Second, I got my hair done! I got it all brown again because heaven knows I would look back at my ombré hair and hate myself for having that in our wedding pictures. 

I got my hair done and that meant I needed a picture
Baby ducks! They're growing up so fast! *tear*

Tornado warning in Rexburg? What. 

 Lastly, Steven took me to Mesa Falls for the first time! It was so beautiful! I love my Idahome!

Never a dull moment with this guy!

There was a little Inn there with some cool taxidermy and some furs and things! Pretty cool! 

Overall, it was a great week(ish)! This week is finals and next week is the wedding! Almost there!


Fourth of July!

Hello friends and family! Last week was a fun one because it was Independence Day (*screeching eagle in background*)!

Before I talk about our Independence day festivities I just wanted to share this little picture from a walk around Nature Park with Steven.

Look at these cutie ducks!! I am super scared of birds, but ducks hold a special place in my heart. These guys were just going from one pond to another. There are tons of ducks around here and there are a ton of little babies! SO CUTE. 

I was able to make some time on Friday to attend the Rexburg temple. It is SO beautiful! And it was such a great experience. I just love going to the temple. I always want to be there! (bummer that it's closed on Mondays because I was totally ready to go again!) 

Anyway, the 4th was super fun! Steven and I went down to Blackfoot to spend time with his parents! It started off with a BBQ at the Porter's (not related to me at all, but nonetheless real life Porters!) which was super fun and 100% delicious! 

Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures at the BBQ. BUT I do have these pictures of Steven and I right after the BBQ! 

So patriotic!
Blackfoot sunset

Blackfoot has some pretty amazing sunsets! This was right before Steven set off some fireworks (illegal? maybe! Awesome? definitely!). After we set off most of the fireworks we found at the Park's home we watched the Blackfoot firework show from the comfort of the trampoline in the backyard.

Overall, it was a great weekend! I am so thankful for all of the people who gave their lives to fight for our independence and freedoms. I feel so blessed to live in this beautiful country and to enjoy the freedoms given to us. 'Merica baby!