
Wedding Pictures are Here!

So it's now been a month of marriage (WOOHOO)!! It has been great!

We are loving our new apartment and getting used to our new ward. We got our first married people callings and that's pretty exciting! I bet you can't guess what we got (answer at end of post)!

In other news, we finally got our wedding pictures!! AHH! Here are a few of my favorites:

Sorry for all of the kissing in those two, but they're pretty cute pictures!


I was so lucky to have a few of my good friends at the wedding in addition to my family! I love the ladies in the pictures above, they have been great friends and examples to me. 

It was so great to be able to have my family all together for the wedding, we don't get to do that very often because of how spread out we are. 

It was a long day. 

Here are the nieces and nephews from my side of the family. I love those kids so much! 

I love my cutie parents! 

I feel so blessed to have Steven's parents in my life! They are absolutely wonderful and it's been really nice to live so close to them!

My dad is the best. There isn't really a debate there, he's an amazing man and an amazing example. 

Since getting married I've been so thankful for all of the things my mom taught me when I was growing up. The things she taught me at home really prepared me to be a good wife and a good partner to Steven. Also she basically planned and executed the whole wedding and it all went flawlessly. I love you momma! 

I love having time to see my siblings. They're the best and they're always there for me when I need them. 

Melissa did my hair and makeup for the wedding and she did a great job! She's always felt like one  of my sisters and I was so glad she was able to make it to the wedding! 

This is when Steven accidentally dipped me by pushing me down by my throat. I didn't like that, but it made for a really funny picture! Dips are hard though. Props to Steven for doing it 500 more times for pictures after that first incident. 

Anddd here's the picture we were trying to get! 

Steven has an awesome family and I feel so lucky to be a part of it now!

Cora is such a cutie. 

Steven and the sibs! So precious. 

That's all folks! Thanks for reading! I love you all! OH also we got called to be ward indexers! Lookout Italian name records because we are coming for ya! 

- Shelby 

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