
Life Update!

I know I'm kind of the worst and haven't posted in a month, but it has been a really busy month! So here are some pictures that I took and some updates!

First off, Thanksgiving! It was an amazing day filled with family and delicious food. This was our first married people Thanksgiving! I am finding that it is really fun to be able to have so many "firsts" with Steven.

First ever Thanksgiving together selfie

Steven's grandmother passed away a little under a week before Thanksgiving. Even though I only got to know her for a short time, I am so glad to have had her in my life. She was always so kind and she always made me feel like a part of the family before I was even in it! I'm glad to have gotten the chance to meet her and get to know her. The service was beautiful with wonderful talks and thoughts given by members of her family.

Due to the funeral, all of Steven's siblings were in town. We were so excited to get to see them! This also meant that we got to see Gemma and Michelle! It was so nice to be able to see family and spend time with them. 
Bonding over Frozen

Something exciting happened yesterday! We got a new niece! Her name is Remington and she is the sweetest! We can't wait to meet her and get to know her and we are so happy for my sister and her family on their new little girl! 

Now I have a couple random pictures that I felt inclined to share with all of you! Here they are:

Scout in the Park Christmas tree! Sneaky cat!

Steven being a total stud like always!

Thats all for now! Sorry it took me so long to post, I'll be more diligent.


Concerts, Halloween, Snow, and More!

Hello! Sorry it's been a while, life has been very busy! We just passed midterms (hallelujah!) and things are starting to wind down at school. I figured I would catch you  all up on the past couple weeks!

To start off, Steven and I made a quick trip to Utah to go to a concert the day before Halloween. It was our first concert together and tons of fun! It was lucky that we were able to find a band that we BOTH like. Shoutout to Transit for being great.

Mandatory roadtrip selfie! 

I would like to thank Utah for having In-N-Out


Next up, pumpkin carving for FHE and Halloween costumes! I told Steven that some people were drilling holes into their pumpkins on Pinterest and he thought that was pretty cool, so that explains why we have a drill out while carving our pumpkins. Also, I have noticed that holidays are a lot more fun when you have a husband to share them with!

Works in progress

The final products! An owl and a cool drilled diamond.

We were camp counselors for halloween! Camp Crystal Lake counselors to be exact! 

Snow has been in the forecast a lot lately. It didn't snow as much as it said it would, but there was definitely snow! It has been super cold here for about a week, but we are excited for winter because winter means the Holiday Season! Hooray! 

Brrrr! Too much snow! 

Cute little snowflakes! 

Speaking of holidays... Christmas decorations are up in our apartment and I couldn't be happier about it! The snow really put me in the mood to bust the Christmas tree out! I love the Christmas season and I love Christmas decorations, so it seemed appropriate to make them last a little longer this year! 

The tree! (I know it's dark at the top. Let's not talk about it)

This tree was ready for its close up! 

This is a little ditty I made for my Etsy shop's Instagram, but I just thought it was cute for you guys to see too! Merry Christmas! 


I Love Fall

Last week Steven and I went to a pumpkin patch with our friends Lauren and Kelton! It was so fun and the perfect fall activity! Also, I had never been to a pumpkin patch before. I have been missing out!!

Hooray for some pictures! 

I know. Steven's hand. 

A pumpkin cannon?! Too fun!

Hay ride! So cute and fun! 

We found cute little pumpkins! Also, I love fall clothing. 

The patch from the hay ride

Some of the pumpkins in the patch

They also had some corn there and a little baby forest

The group!
Overall, it was so fun! We had a great time and are looking forward to carving our pumpkins soon. I'm so happy to have my cutie husband to share these fun experiences with. I'm also grateful for awesome friends!


It's Fall!

Hello! I just wanted to start by saying HAPPY OCTOBER! I love love love the fall season!

I just wanted to share a few things we did this week that reminded me of fall!

First: homemade chicken noodle soup! YUM. I love soup so much and when it's a chilly fall day it's the best thing to eat!

The noodles! 

Second: pumpkin shaped cookies (I promise this is not going to be a food only post)! We originally wanted to make them because I found my pumpkin cookie cutter, but then we decided we should give some to our Visiting/Home Teaching people. Turns out the recipe I had made FIVE dozen cookies (wayyy more than planned)! We ended up giving a ton away!

Third: the Straw Maze with Steven's married friends! This was cool because we haven't done a ton of hanging out with other married people since we got married. It was just so nice to have a night out with some super fun and amazing people! 

Steven on the big slide!

Steven and his friend Taylor, they're extra funny around each other. 

Fourth: Soccer season at BYU-I! Steven had his first soccer game of the semester and it was a beautiful day for a soccer game. 

So there's our week of fall activities! We are looking forward to many more weeks of beautiful fall weather (hopefully, pray for no snow). Thanks for reading!


I Ran a Race!

Hello everyone!

Today I ran a 5k! And I got a medal for it! Woohoo! Anyway, I just thought I would share a little bit about the race with you lovely people because it wasn't a race just for fun, it was a race for a cause!

Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) is a non-profit organization that saves children from being sex slaves. The organization is fairly new (about 1 1/2 years old), but they have already saved over 300 children. I think they are doing an amazing job and I was happy to be able to be a part (although small) of their efforts.

Click here if you want to know more about O.U.R.

I only have two pictures to document the race, so here they are!

Steven got this one of me right as I was about to cross the finish line. He was such a good cheerleader!

My medal!!! I was so excited to finally get one of these! I have run in quite a few races, but this is the first one that gave me a medal at the end of it. It made me feel proud for completing such a difficult race (90% uphill in altitude so high I can barely breathe when I'm walking. YIKES). 

Thanks everyone!

- Shelby


Life Update

Hello friends! It's been a while since I've posted, so I thought I would catch you all up!

To start off I will talk to you about SQUARE ICE CREAM:

We drove to a teeny little town for this gem. Believe it or not, that is a "single scoop" WHAT?! It was giant and I couldn't eat the whole thing, but it was so good! It was cookie monster flavor and I'm not 100% sure what was in it, but it was so good! It was vanilla ice cream with peanut butter ripples, peanut butter cookie bits, and I think m&m's (maybe Reese's pieces?). 

Getting square ice cream was one of the things on my Idaho Bucket list, so it was so fun to finally do that! 

Next up, the Eastern Idaho State Fair (another thing on my bucket list)! The fair was so fun! It isn't like the fairs I'm used to (Pumpkin Show mostly), but it was really fun and I'm so glad I got to experience it! 

One of the first things we did (besides getting some delicious fair food of course) was the petting zoo! I love animals so much, so this was a real treat!

This was Alfie the goat from Blackfoot, so we thought that was cool because my sister Meredith's dog is named Alfie and he is from Blackfoot too! How fun!

I guess you can't really tell from this picture, but this horse was MASSIVE. Like the biggest horse I have ever seen. 

This is on top of the ferris wheel with a little bit of the fair behind us! So fun!

One of those beautiful Idaho sunsets we all love! No filter guys! This was the real sky! 

Lastly, a view of the rides at the fair from the ferris wheel! So pretty! 

That concludes our summer adventures! Now school is back in session and we are settling in to a normal married college student life. We are really excited for the fall season though! Our apartment has had fall scents and pumpkin cookies in it for a few weeks now! I can't help it, fall is the best! 

Steven was really excited to be able to wear some fall clothes without dying from heat! 

I got my hair chopped again (shorter than requested, but I'm getting used to it)!

We went to a David Archuleta concert with Steven's parents last week and that was super fun! It was his first concert in FOUR years!! Nuts!! It was fun to have a night out with family! 

Now that our summer is over and I'm in school not a ton has been going on! I've been going to classes, studying, and doing homework mostly! Steven is taking a few classes online so he can work while I'm in school full-time this semester. 

There you have it folks! An update on our life! I hope you enjoyed this post! 

Thanks for reading!! 

- Shelby


Wedding Pictures are Here!

So it's now been a month of marriage (WOOHOO)!! It has been great!

We are loving our new apartment and getting used to our new ward. We got our first married people callings and that's pretty exciting! I bet you can't guess what we got (answer at end of post)!

In other news, we finally got our wedding pictures!! AHH! Here are a few of my favorites:

Sorry for all of the kissing in those two, but they're pretty cute pictures!


I was so lucky to have a few of my good friends at the wedding in addition to my family! I love the ladies in the pictures above, they have been great friends and examples to me. 

It was so great to be able to have my family all together for the wedding, we don't get to do that very often because of how spread out we are. 

It was a long day. 

Here are the nieces and nephews from my side of the family. I love those kids so much! 

I love my cutie parents! 

I feel so blessed to have Steven's parents in my life! They are absolutely wonderful and it's been really nice to live so close to them!

My dad is the best. There isn't really a debate there, he's an amazing man and an amazing example. 

Since getting married I've been so thankful for all of the things my mom taught me when I was growing up. The things she taught me at home really prepared me to be a good wife and a good partner to Steven. Also she basically planned and executed the whole wedding and it all went flawlessly. I love you momma! 

I love having time to see my siblings. They're the best and they're always there for me when I need them. 

Melissa did my hair and makeup for the wedding and she did a great job! She's always felt like one  of my sisters and I was so glad she was able to make it to the wedding! 

This is when Steven accidentally dipped me by pushing me down by my throat. I didn't like that, but it made for a really funny picture! Dips are hard though. Props to Steven for doing it 500 more times for pictures after that first incident. 

Anddd here's the picture we were trying to get! 

Steven has an awesome family and I feel so lucky to be a part of it now!

Cora is such a cutie. 

Steven and the sibs! So precious. 

That's all folks! Thanks for reading! I love you all! OH also we got called to be ward indexers! Lookout Italian name records because we are coming for ya! 

- Shelby