
I Ran a Race!

Hello everyone!

Today I ran a 5k! And I got a medal for it! Woohoo! Anyway, I just thought I would share a little bit about the race with you lovely people because it wasn't a race just for fun, it was a race for a cause!

Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.) is a non-profit organization that saves children from being sex slaves. The organization is fairly new (about 1 1/2 years old), but they have already saved over 300 children. I think they are doing an amazing job and I was happy to be able to be a part (although small) of their efforts.

Click here if you want to know more about O.U.R.

I only have two pictures to document the race, so here they are!

Steven got this one of me right as I was about to cross the finish line. He was such a good cheerleader!

My medal!!! I was so excited to finally get one of these! I have run in quite a few races, but this is the first one that gave me a medal at the end of it. It made me feel proud for completing such a difficult race (90% uphill in altitude so high I can barely breathe when I'm walking. YIKES). 

Thanks everyone!

- Shelby


  1. Medals are the best! Uphill is hard! (It's probably a good thing I didn't come, I am more suited to downhills.) The finish line must have been right by the Archibald's house by Smith Park! What a great cause and race.

  2. Hey that's awesome! That's a great cause I am a huge believer and supporter of that!
